Vet costs for cats, dogs and rabbits can make budgeting for yearly pet care a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together our affordable pet care plan – a pawsome option to help with vet costs by spreading the payments for essential routine care throughout the year.
Want to see what joining our 365 Pet Care Plan might look like? Here we take you through a year in the life of a 365 pet!
*Total saving for a dog's 1st year on our 365 Plan (redeeming all inclusions) is over £440!

(September, October, November)
With firework season about to start, why not book in for your free 6 month nurse health check to discuss behavioural training strategies to help reduce your pet’s noise anxiety? Preparing early will give you more time to implement any suggested tips and tricks for a calmer November 5th. By law, all dogs should be microchipped as a young puppy, but make sure their details are up to date so you can be reunited easily if they go wandering off – there’s often an increase in pet escapees due to firework noise. And don’t forget the fab felines – they can get a free microchip at their local easipetcare clinic. If your pet is already chipped prior to joining hte plan, you'll get a £10 voucher.
Just like with human coughs and colds, we often see an increase in Kennel Cough during the winter months. Get ready early, and book in your doggo for their free annual Kennel Cough vaccine if it’s due. Remember that KC can be caught at any time of year, so you will also need to check that your pet is up-to-date before they go into kennels, regardless of season.

(December, January, February)
Jack Frost is back, along with short daylight hours, and it’s not just us hoomins feeling the effects. It’s a great time of year to book your pet in for their free annual health check and booster if it’s due. Older cats, dogs and bunnies in particular can struggle during the winter months, and it’s well worth getting them checked out in case they need any extra care and support heading into the festive season. If anything is flagged up at this appointment, and further diagnostics are recommended, your pet get's a free annual urine test included in their plan.
After all the Christmas festivities, many owners notice that their cat or dog is overweight. This is often due to a combination of extra Xmas treats, and reduced exercise in the cold and dark evenings. If your pet needs to start a diet trial as part of a New Year health kick, you can now claim 25% off all bags of Purina food. Book in for a free nurse consultation to discuss cat and dog weight loss tips. We also offer free nail clips which can need doing more regularly if your pet is less active at this time of year as there will be less natural wear. They'll

(March, April, May)
As the bulbs spring into life, so do the fleas! Due to an increase in household temperatures, thanks to central-heating, the pattern of flea activity is become much less seasonal. This is because these little beasties can survive and thrive in our homes as well as on our pets! They particularly love hiding under furniture and around the edges of carpets. However, we still see more cases of fleas during spring and summer months. While you should keep on top of flea protection all year round for dogs and cats, it’s particularly important at this time of year. We also recommend keeping their worm protection up-to-date. We are now able to deliver your pet's flea and worming straight to your doormat! That's right, all cats and dogs on our 365 Pet Care plan now get home delivery included in their plan so that you but pawrents don't have to worry about collecting it from us - saving you valuable time and money in unwanted trips to the practice! :-)
With lots of baby wild bunnies on the way, now is a good time to ask your vet about RHD1 and RHD2 vaccines for pet rabbits. Both strains of this virus are highly contagious and can be caught directly from other rabbits. It can also be transmitted via insect bites, carried by humans on shoes and clothing, or be caught through air-borne spread. Your rabbit should be protected with annual vaccinations, but it is particularly important during Spring and Summer to make sure this hasn’t lapsed. All of your rabbit's annual vaccines are included in the 365 Plan.

(June, July, August)
There’s lots to love about the summer, but flies aren’t one of them. Flystrike in rabbits is gruesome and extremely painful for those poor bunnies that become infested. Flies will lay their eggs on your rabbit, particularly around their back end and in any open wounds. These hatch into maggots, which literally eat your pet alive. Flystrike protection is essential during summer months, along with other parasite protection.
During spring and summer, we see a rise in skin problems in cats and dogs. These can have many causes, and your vet will guide you through the most suitable treatment approach. If your pet needs to start a diet trial as part of this programme, you can now claim 25% off Purina food.Even if they don’t need a special therapeutic diet, the discount applies to the whole Purina range – yum!
And that’s not all…
Members of our 365 Pet Clare Plan get exclusive access to a range of other discounts including 20% off neutering, 20% off lifetime meds, and 10% off dentals....and much more!
Read more and sign up online today!
* Please note: all information in this article, for example relating to free or discounted services, applies only to pets who are part of our 365 Pet Care Plan.
Best wishes,
Judy Walker B.Vet.Med MRCVS. Founder of easipetcare - find out more about Judy here!