What is the procedure?

Neutering procedure information

Neutering procedures

The idea of having your tiny new bundle of fluff go through an operation can be terrifying but at easipetcare we can assure you that our experienced and caring vets will make the experience as comfortable as possible for your precious pet.

Spays & castrations

Both castration and spaying are carried out under general anaesthetic. Whilst they are routine procedures, a spay is more complex and involves entering your pet’s abdomen. However, modern techniques are very safe and our team are highly experienced.


Depending on your pet’s age & size the procedure time can vary, but usually no longer than ninety minutes. The operation for both males and females are relatively simple and so there is very little reason to worry, and at easipetcare you will be able to drop your precious pet off and pick them back up on the same day!


Fur-ther reading

How old should my pet be?

How old should my pet be?

Find out the best age for neutering your pet.

What is the recovery after?

What is the recovery after?

Find out more about post-neutering recovery.



Learn more about the importance of vaccinating yoru pet.

Neutering vouchers

Neutering vouchers

Find out if you're eligble for discounted neutering vouchers from the Cats Protection.

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